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Jayalalitha, Woman of Wits, Guts and a Heart!

Though she believes in freebies galore, I adore Jayalalitha(‘Jay’). I love her tightly-controlled, intelligent and pragmatic one-woman shows that get businesses done, the way she wills it.


‘Jay’ was then schooled at Sacred Heart Matriculation School (popularly known as Church Park Presentation Convent) in Chennai. Her schoolmate’s testimonial can attest to her Intelligence - "She got more than 70 marks in each subject while all others were struggling to get 60 marks. She won the BEST GIRL AWARD in the school".
But ‘Jay’ had to give up studies and start acting. ‘Jay’ recalls: "It was a rude shock to me. My argument with Amma was that it was she, who punished me for putting on make-up and told me to stay off cinema, was now pushing me into acting."
Despite her dislike, she had a successful career. ‘Jay’ holds the record for having been the Tamil actress with maximum silver jubilee hits in her career - 80 hits of 85 Tamil films|119 hits of 125 total films.


Her early life was not a Bed of Roses. ‘Jay’ quoted: "The experiences I have been through, the suffering and pain have taught me an important lesson: in life, there is one person you must rely on—yourself." For someone to quote this, they must have undergone many pains in life. I guess such experiences hardened her and made her bold to act her heart.
Becoming a supremo of a political party in male-dominated Dravidian politics and gain control over the party is no simple feat.
When a critic of Kanchi mutt was murdered right in the sanctum sanctorum of a temple, ‘Jay’ shocked her fellow Brahmins and the entire Hindu community by arresting the much-revered pontiff of Kanchi mutt upon murder charges, on a Diwali day no less. ‘Jay’ does not seem simply concerned about her vote bank. Does she?

A Heart? 

Having played postman for a friend who was in love with a neighbor, ‘Jay’ was left with a deep impression of betrayal, when the same friend had played Brutus and painted ‘Jay’ as a daughter of an actress and a girl of loose morals, on getting caught. Did this entirely harden her tender heart? I don’t think so.
How many politicians would have ever considered the plights of Transgenders(minority vote bank) and heeded their demands? Transgenders are stigmatized by our society and left unemployed. ‘Jay’ launched a pension scheme for Transgenders over 40 years. This coupled with other welfare schemes, would help them lead a self-sufficient and contented life. Isn’t this an act of a tender heart?

 I feel, she simply never got her due, even when she deserved it. Reason? She happened to be a woman and a former actress catapulted to the position(the actress-politico) of the highest power in a state, that fawns over actors. Let us give a little sincere prayer for our CM and wish her get well soon.

Edit - Our Iron Lady passed away on December 5, 2016. Please pray that her soul Rest-in-Peace.

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