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5 must know WhatsApp tricks you will love

Whatsapp is one of the most successful messenger app to date, that relies on little marketing. An average WhatsApp user sends 1,000 messages per month. Much of its success can be attributed to its simplistic functionality approach. Let us bring together some more functions that mighty Whatsapp fails to provide us.

Steal attention using WhatsApp

Want to apologise to your closed ones repeatedly? This trick is just for you.
  1. Open web.whatsapp.com in your chrome browser.
  2. Press CTRL + Shift + J  to open the developer console.
  3. Copy and paste the code given below and hit enter.
//Editable - Start
var message = "Forgive me! am really sorry :( "; //Your message
var count = 20; //number of times to send
//Editable - End
var i = 0;var timer = setInterval(function() {
var evt = document.createEvent("TextEvent");
evt.initTextEvent("textInput", true, true, window, message + i, 0, "en-US");
document.querySelector(".input-container .input").focus();
document.querySelector(".input-container .input").dispatchEvent(evt);
i++;if (i == count)clearInterval(timer);console.log(i + " messages sent");var event = new MouseEvent('click', {'view': window,'bubbles': true,'cancelable': true});document.querySelector(".icon.btn-icon.icon-send").dispatchEvent(event);
}, 10);
Beware! Overusing it may lead to negative effects. Random Tyms is not responsible for such effects.
Image - WhatsApp repeated Msg

Now impress using Facebook Messenger too - Send flying hearts and Balloons 

Phone <=> PC WhatsApp File Transfer
Did you think, you still have to connect your phone via cable and then transfer your files. It is now really easy to transfer files using WhatsApp from PC - Phone / Phone - PC.
  1. Save your phone number with your name on your mobile phone.
  2. In your phone contact, you will find an option to send WhatsApp messages to yourself. Click it, chat with yourself and send any file via this trick.
  3. Open web.whatsapp.com/ on your computer & scan the code.
  4. Select attach files option, upload any file from your PC and send it to yourself.
  5. Now open phone whatsapp, you will see the same file sent to you from PC. Click on it and download in your phone.
  6. OR
  7. Select attach files option, upload any file from your phone and send it to yourself.
  8. Now open PC whatsapp, you will see the same file sent to you from phone. Click on it and download in your PC.

Now no more connecting cables or any other complications. This trick was cool. Wasn't it?
Image - WhatsApp File Transfer

Send Big files on WhatsApp

Still adhering to WhatsApp's limitation of sending only audio, video and images? You can now send or share PDF, ZIP, EXE, APK, RAR or even bigger files with your friends using whatsapp.
  1. Install both DropBox and CloudSend Applications in your mobile
  2. Open CloudSend and accept the prompt to link it with your Dropbox.
  3. Share on CloudSend, the file you want to share with your friend on WhatsApp.
  4. File will get automatically uploaded to your DropBox server.
  5. A link will be provided to that file. Copy the link and share it with on WhatsApp.

You friend can now simply open the link and download the file in their mobile. Easy right?
Image - WhatsApp Send Big File

Lock Whatsapp with a PIN

WhatsApp messages may be encrypted to protect our privacy. But hiding it from prying eyes or wicked friends seems to be every man's problem. Avoid any such embarrassing moments using app lock.
  1. Download Chatlock+ app on your device.
  2. Set the 4 digit pin as password & confirm it.
  3. In the next step, set a timer for auto-locking WhatsApp with password.
  4. Though the maximum time you can set is 15 minutes. To serve a balance between protection and annoyance set the timer as 3-5 minutes.

Yay! You are perfectly safe now. Also check if your WhatsApp conversations are secure and safe. 
Image - WhatsApp Chat Lock

Dual Whatsapp Trick

You may have multiple phones and hence have more than one whatsapp account. But if you happen to lose or break the old phone, how much would you wish to create all your Whatsapp accounts on a single phone. It is possible now.
It is really easy to install and use Dual SIM WhatsApp without having to provide root access. OGWhatsapp is one of the oldest and best working application to run dual whatsapp in your android mobile.
  1. First take the full backup for your messages and data before going through ogwhatsapp apk.
  2. Go to WhatsApp App Info and Clear data
  3. Use any File Explorer and Go to /sdcard/WhatsApp folder and rename it to /sdcard/OGWhatsApp
  4. Uninstall the official Whatsapp application from your android phone.
  5. Install Ogwhatsapp apk latest version from the playstore.
  6. When it asks for your mobile number,enter the old number which you had installed in the official Whatsapp earlier.
  7. Now the Ogwhatsapp application is ready for use with your old number
  8. Download the official whatsapp application for the second number.
  9. When it asks for your mobile number, enter your new second number.
That was real easy & cool!Image - WhatsApp Dual SIM

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